Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bryn's a 2nd grader!

I think she was more nervous to start school than she was willing to admit. She had a tummy ache last night and again this morning, but I think it was "butterflies". She was up and ready to go this morning though! Dressed and backpack in hand a little to early even. She did have some issues with me fixing her hair, but quickly got over it. She had hoped I'd put the camera away when we got to school, but I didn't. Neither did Kyle, he was snapping pics of her too. We walked her to class and Kyle helped her get her supplies unloaded while I took Kaelyn to her class. After we said goodbye to Kaelyn, Kyle just wanted one more peek at Boo. She caught him peeking though and blew him a kiss. So sweet. I'm pretty sure that made his day.

From Backtoschool 9/3/08 10:38 AM


Skydazzler said...

She is so darn cute! Ready to start her big day. Can't wait to hear how things went tonight. My guess is she loved every minute! haha

Rochelle said...

bryn always looks cute! love that she blew a kiss at adorable.

His.Beloved. said...

oh shoot dang...she's so beautiful..i love this kid!! watch out comes bryn...ready to conquer the world!!

Teresa said...

I love that she blew her daddy a sweet!