Seriously don't blink...because if you do you will one day wake up and your beautiful baby girl will be a beautiful "pre-teen" 11 year old! I'm going to stop blinking. It feels like just yesterday we brought her home on a snowy Christmas Eve bundled up in a large red stocking. To say "they grow so fast" just doesn't do this justice. Kaelyn is such a delight and brightens the world around her. She loves singing and playing her flute. She wants to be an actress or a professional soccer player. She is always surprising us with her giving nature and kind, gentle spirit. She thinks of the little things, where others might not. She likes to keep the peace between her siblings. She is quick to make sacrifices so others will be happy. She is a good friend and a good listener. She is always willing to try new food, scary rides, she's always ready to give it a go. She is a joy and we are so very thankful to God for allowing us to be her parents!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
How did this happen....she's 11!
Seriously don't blink...because if you do you will one day wake up and your beautiful baby girl will be a beautiful "pre-teen" 11 year old! I'm going to stop blinking. It feels like just yesterday we brought her home on a snowy Christmas Eve bundled up in a large red stocking. To say "they grow so fast" just doesn't do this justice. Kaelyn is such a delight and brightens the world around her. She loves singing and playing her flute. She wants to be an actress or a professional soccer player. She is always surprising us with her giving nature and kind, gentle spirit. She thinks of the little things, where others might not. She likes to keep the peace between her siblings. She is quick to make sacrifices so others will be happy. She is a good friend and a good listener. She is always willing to try new food, scary rides, she's always ready to give it a go. She is a joy and we are so very thankful to God for allowing us to be her parents!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I ♥ faces photo challenge: "pets only"
I've never entered a photo contest before, but my awesome sister encouraged me to submit this picture! This is our kitty Titan we had no clue he was a mouser until the little gifts from him started appearing at our door. Here I caught him in the act!
To see other great entries at I Heart Faces go here!

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Moving forward!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Want some coffee???

We have started a great fundraiser...everyone drinks coffee right? We have found a fabulous program that helps families raise funds for their adoption! Head over to Just Love Coffee if you are interested in purchasing some great coffee! I'd love to get some feedback from those that order some coffee, let me know what "flavor" you ordered and how you liked it! Feel free to share this link and spread the word!
We are waiting for our fingerprints to come back from the state and then we will move forward with the 2 home-study visits. Yeah!! After we have our home-study approval things could move quickly if we get our remaining funds raised. Thank you again for your prayers and support we are so blessed to have great family and friends who love and support us!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Football fun!
Garret is the #78 this year. #78 has a great deal of tradition in the Ramsay family, it was worn at one time or another by all the Ramsay men (I think). So it was fun that this year Garret got to be #78. Garret has so many mannerisms that are exactly like his father, especially when it comes to football. It was so funny, 2 weeks ago Grandma Ramsay came to a game and she kept seeing the #78 and the likeness between Garret and Kyle made her keep yelling, "go Kyle!" Garret is trying to find his own way as far as football goes, which is great. He thinks he might really enjoy playing center and is learning that new position. It will certainly be fun to watch Garret come into his own and take on the world. We know he can do anything he puts his mind to. Right now he wants to work for NASA as a scientist and is thinking he might want to continue playing football as a means to get a college scholarship. We love the way his mind works, he is amazing!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Soccer, Soccer...have to wait for football.
Soccer, soccer and football seasons are going great! The kids are having a lot of fun playing. Because of schedule conflicts i've yet to make it to a whole game of Garret's, i've just seen the last quarter of his first game. This weekend we have no conflicts, we will be able to go from game to game without any overlap! So this weekend I will have football pictures! Yeah! So here are a few pictures from the girls last game...notice how both girls use their tongue to help them run? haha! They must of gotten that trait from their Dad, because I don't run. LOL!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Sorry I've been MIA...
Yes, I'm still here...just haven't been active in the blog world, I blame it on the time-sucking facebook. But I do want to continue to document our life, our adoption journey, and all the craziness that comes along with our 3 great kids! So I will try and do better.
First the much anticipated adoption update...we got our home-study packet in the mail yesterday! Yeah!!! After our successful garage sale and a few amazing donations to our cause we were able to have enough money to start the home-study or be under contract...not quite enough money to do both. So we've chosen to move ahead with the home-study. After a completed home-study we will be able to apply for grants and assistance to keep moving forward. We are truly blessed with great family and friends who keep us going. It seems, financially speaking, that we just get one roadblock after another...such is life. But we still absolutely know that we are on the path God has placed us and we will forge ahead. Just moving at more of a stroll on this path rather than the sprint we'd like to be. haha! Eventually we WILL be bringing home another Ramsay!
Kids all went back to school last week. Garret started a new school for 7th grade. Unfortunately, along with our financial roadblocks came the cut of his Christian private school. He has been great about it, handling it with so much maturity and grace. He misses his school, but totally understands. So he started at the public middle school, that is a block from our house, last week. He has so many friends there, so that has helped with the transition. He likes all his teachers and is excited about a few of his classes. So far, so good. Kaelyn and Brynlee both got the teachers they were hoping for and have many friends in their class with them, so they are thrilled!
Soccer, Soccer, Cheerleading and football are in full swing now too. So we are busy and still trying to figure out the new routine. We'll get into a grove soon though and all will be well. haha!
I'll post few pics from first day of school and sports this past weekend in my next post, its easier to upload pics that way!
First the much anticipated adoption update...we got our home-study packet in the mail yesterday! Yeah!!! After our successful garage sale and a few amazing donations to our cause we were able to have enough money to start the home-study or be under contract...not quite enough money to do both. So we've chosen to move ahead with the home-study. After a completed home-study we will be able to apply for grants and assistance to keep moving forward. We are truly blessed with great family and friends who keep us going. It seems, financially speaking, that we just get one roadblock after another...such is life. But we still absolutely know that we are on the path God has placed us and we will forge ahead. Just moving at more of a stroll on this path rather than the sprint we'd like to be. haha! Eventually we WILL be bringing home another Ramsay!
Kids all went back to school last week. Garret started a new school for 7th grade. Unfortunately, along with our financial roadblocks came the cut of his Christian private school. He has been great about it, handling it with so much maturity and grace. He misses his school, but totally understands. So he started at the public middle school, that is a block from our house, last week. He has so many friends there, so that has helped with the transition. He likes all his teachers and is excited about a few of his classes. So far, so good. Kaelyn and Brynlee both got the teachers they were hoping for and have many friends in their class with them, so they are thrilled!
Soccer, Soccer, Cheerleading and football are in full swing now too. So we are busy and still trying to figure out the new routine. We'll get into a grove soon though and all will be well. haha!
I'll post few pics from first day of school and sports this past weekend in my next post, its easier to upload pics that way!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Cricut Cartridge Giveaway!
Cricut Cartridge Giveaway!
Check out the Cricut forum on the Winter Woodland Giveaway, it's 100th cartridge. To celebrate the milestone, Cricut is giving away 20 a week for 5 weeks. The community at is awesome, I frequent the forums for great ideas!
Here's the link to the cartridge page:
Good luck!
Check out the Cricut forum on the Winter Woodland Giveaway, it's 100th cartridge. To celebrate the milestone, Cricut is giving away 20 a week for 5 weeks. The community at is awesome, I frequent the forums for great ideas!
Here's the link to the cartridge page:
Good luck!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I'm melting!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009
5th of July

Monday, June 22, 2009
Where can I find one of these?

Man, I wish money tree's really existed! haha! Sure would help us move along quickly with the adoption. If we could just gather up enough to start the home study then we'd be well on our way! I know there are so many grants and loans out there, but we can't apply for a single one without the approved home study. Can't get started on the home study without raising approximately $4000. So we are stuck here until we can get find some funds, a lot of funds. What we do know is we are not giving up! God has a plan for our family, and we know without a doubt it is to bring home a sweet baby boy to join our family from Ethiopia. We just thought this would come together easier and faster. We are hoping to plan a rummage type sale in July, so if you have anything you'd like to donate we'd be thrilled to add it to the sale. We just have to get creative with this raising money, so if anyone has some suggestions I'd love to hear them!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
So every year we say that we plan on camping "a lot" during the summer...and every year without fail we are lucky to go ONCE. It is sort of a running joke with our friends. haha! So now that we've done our one trip for the summer, we actually do hope we have several others this summer. We had a great time Memorial Day weekend camping at Detroit Lake! It was very fun! I didn't bring my camera out as much as I should have...but Bree had her camera and she got some great shots of the kids fishing with Grandpa. Bryn and Garret caught their first fish I think. Kaelyn couldn't handle the fishing and came back and sat with Grandma and I. She is very sensitive and was so concerned for the fish. I can assure you no fish were harmed, they were all tossed back. haha. Here are just a few pics from the weekend.

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Pool Party
After Kaelyn's game we headed to the pool for an end of the season celebration. The weather was PERFECT for swimming! It took forever for us to get the girls out of the pool.
More Spring Soccer
Kaelyn sure has some great footwork and speed. She is really coming along in the soccer world. It is so much fun to watch her out there on the field.
Spring Soccer!
Spring Soccer officially ended yesterday. Kaelyn does have one more game next weekend, but it isn't an official league game. We really enjoyed soccer this season and are sad its over.
Bryn got a chance to play up for this last game. So she played with a U9 team and had a blast. The field is bigger, and there are a few more girls on the field. Bryn fit right in and even had a few attempts at the goal. I think she'll do just fine next season. Kyle has already committed to coaching again. haha.
Bryn got a chance to play up for this last game. So she played with a U9 team and had a blast. The field is bigger, and there are a few more girls on the field. Bryn fit right in and even had a few attempts at the goal. I think she'll do just fine next season. Kyle has already committed to coaching again. haha.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!
My husband is a poet. Who knew? I woke up this morning to a stellar breakfast with a card Kyle had made. Inside the card was a poem he had written (I got his permission to share):
To my beautiful wife
With whom I share the most wonderful life.
Who showers my family love,
The purest kind granted by God from above.
Tis you who binds our family together
No matter the storm, I know we will weather.
For richer, for poorer, in sickness and health,
We've done them all, now lets try for wealth.
God has blessed me beyond measure
At such a young age He gave me such a treasure.
The woman of my dreams to marry
And the children she would carry.
My life is filled with such joy,
When I see you, two girls and a (soon 2) boy.
I see that there has been a richer man never,
That you complete me now more than ever.
I must stop now, before my eyes become wet,
You have waited to long for a new bedding set.
Love always and forever,
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Making time for RnR...

Why is it time for some RnR you ask? Well i'm recovering from a surgery that went extremely well and I'm so glad I had it done. Its been a long time coming and I am going to be even better than before once i'm all recovered. I'm actually excited for that. I didn't realize the recovery would be so hard...doc said i'd be tired, but I was planning on being the exception to that "rule". Uh, nope. I tire soooo easily, its nuts. Not being able to drive and get out of the house is hard. I'm going a little stir crazy. I did find this poem that made me laugh, so I thought i'd share...
You did your job
Through puberty
Through childbirth
And recovery
You held my babies
Safe and sound
And stretched yourself
All big and round
But now my friend
Your job is through
I find myself not
Needing you
Don’t need the pain
The aching back
The periods that are
Out of whack
And so my friend
Its time you know
You and your fibroids
Have to go
The doctor is going to
Put me to sleep
And you’re one of the parts
I just can’t keep
Goodbye, old friend
You served me well
Before you started to
Ache and swell
I’ll remember you
On the anniversary
Of the day I had
My hysterectomy
I’ll brush a tear
From my cheek
As I remember the days
When you didn’t leak
And as I live a
Pain-free life
I’ll toast the doctor
And his knife!
by JudeD
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Road blocks...

Why does it seem like just when things are moving, and you feel certain you are following after God's heart a road block comes your way. One after another. I'd be lying if I haven't stopped and wondered if I am truly doing God's will. Because in my mind if I am, then this should be much easier. Right?
I was sooooo certain, and mostly I still am, that God has called us to adopt a baby from Ethiopia. We knew that coming up with the money would be our biggest challenge. It has proven to be a struggle. We don't have extra income. I took a part-time job so that we would have enough income. And still even then we struggle. I don't know where we thought the money would appear...maybe that money tree in the backyard would finally bear fruit? All I know is God is bigger than my issues with money and if it is His will, it would be on His bill. Like that? haha. Just didn't think it would take this long...guess I have to remember it is also on God's timetable, not mine.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Disney World!
So the opportunity came up for me to fly to Disney World and meet up with Kyle who was in Orlando for work. Well of course I couldn't pass that up! We used Kyle's airline miles he's saved up with Alaska, so my ticket cost a whopping $10! We were sooooo thankful for the chance for this mini-vacation! It was AWESOME! Thanks to my parents for watching the kids for us, the kids have raved about all the fun they had with Grandma and Grandpa and they can't wait to do it again!
Kyle and I went to Epcot and Disney Hollywood Studios on Thursday, then went to Animal Kingdom and Magic Kingdom on Friday and home on Saturday! Like I said, quick trip but oooooh so refreshing! We loved Disney! Animal Kingdom was my favorite of the 4 parks, its like a zoo on steroids! They have new rollercoaster there called Everest that was really fun! Not having the kids with us did make us a little sad, we missed them and saw so much that they would have LOVED to see! So someday we'd like to take them! It was also nice to not feel like we had to get it all in, we just went at our own pace and saw what we wanted. We didn't wait in any long lines, fast passed the rides we really wanted to get on, and just walked around taking it all in. Soooo fun! It was great to just spend some time with Kyle, we get so busy with the day to day we don't always have time to connect. So getting away and having some time to ourselves was just the thing!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter blessings!
Easter bunnies...
The kids got a little furry Easter surprise a day early. After Brynlee's soccer game we went out to Grandma and Grandpa R's for lunch. They had a surprise waiting for the kids. Oh my! Were they surprised! 3 adorable 9 week old bunnies were waiting for them. The kids went nuts! Jumping, screaming (freaking poor bunnies out) and tears. I don't know if I've seen Kaelyn like that before, she couldn't form words she was so happy and her eyes welled up with tears of joy. She looked at me and said, "I'm crying because I'm happy." haha! Well I didn't think she was sad. Silly girl.
Brynlee quickly said, "I'm naming mine Waffle!" She had the name all picked out. Well because truthfully the girls have been talking about getting a bunny for awhile now and maybe I've looked around on craigslist a time or two to see what was out there. And we might have come across a funny looking bunny named Waffle that Brynlee saw a picture of and loved the name. haha! Just maybe that is why. So Garret announced his was going to be called Fable as we were walking to the back yard with the cage so the kids could get them out and hold them. Kaelyn wasn't sure what to name her bunny and I said she didn't have to pick a name so fast and she could think about it. Just then she decided if Bryn's was named Waffle maybe she'd call her bunny Pancake. We really don't know how to take care of bunnies, so we are learning quickly. Kyle is going to build them a hutch when we get back from Florida. We are nuts...I know. So meet Waffle, Pancake and Fable.
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